13 May, 2025 - 16 May, 2025
08:00 - 17:00
Location: MAY 13-16, 2025
Fee: There is no fee for this course.
Registration: If registering more than one officer, please email with the names and business email addresses of the other officers who will be in attendance.
Length: 4 days (40 Hours)
Designed For: Sworn law enforcement and corrections officers – federal, state, or local.
Prerequisites: Attendees must be sworn law enforcement
Lodging, Meals and Incidentals: Responsibility of agency.
Instructor: Kevin Dylus (Blue Ridge Marksmanship)
Description: This hands-on four (4) day (40) hour course focuses on eight essential disciplines needed for increased safety and survival. OSST emphasizes the primary physical and emotional framework necessary for longevity as an officer.
Course curriculum includes:
• Injured officer/ Tactical medical considerations to include hemostatic control, TQ applications self and buddy.
• Tactical Pistol and Rifle Marksmanship. This segment includes pistol and rifle manipulations, advanced marksmanship training.
• Injured shooter. This portion will cover the operation of both pistol and AR-15 while in an incapacitated/injured situation.
• Room Entry/Search. Students will learn defensive and offensive skills for situations in compressed environments, structure and active shooters.
• Vehicle engagements. Officers will learn the points of cover on vehicles, fire from different positions near or inside a vehicle.
• Empty hand techniques. Officers will learn techniques to be able to defend themselves in situations where they are unable to use/get to a firearm. Further non-lethal control procedures/measures.
• Combat Mindset. The instructor will discuss the mindset needed for survival.
• Low visibility operations. Planning and executing operations under low light/limited illumination. Also, officers will engage targets utilizing their weapon mounted/ handheld flashlights during low or limited visibility conditions.
• Attire & Equipment: Comfortable field attire is encouraged. This class is geared toward officers performing in their duty environment, so feel free to wear what you work in.
Packing List as follows:
Duty Pistol with holster with min 3 mags
Duty AR-15 with min 3 mags
700 Pistol Rounds (range ammunition)
500 AR-15 Rounds (range ammunition)
Duty Gear / Uniform
Plate Carrier if issued
Hand Held Light
Weapon Mounted light Pistol/AR-15 (Optional)
Spare Batteries
Hearing Protection
Eye Protection
Water bottle(s)
Extra Unit Patch (will explain at the end of day one)
Knee pads (optional)
Lubrication for pistol/ AR-15
Tourniquet (Please bring both your issued TQ and if you can get a training TQ bring that as well.) We will have some training for students to borrow.
MANTA training is provided free of charge to Law Enforcement Officers through a Governor’s Crime Commission Grant and the NC National Guard Counterdrug Program.
For more information or to receive help in registering for a class, contact us at:
984-664-6045/ 704-400-9960