Introduction to Controlled Buys

  • Introduction to Controlled Buys
     23 June, 2025 - 26 June, 2025
     08:00 - 17:00
Registration:  Email with “NCNG Counterdrug” in your subject line to register for the course.
When:  June 23-25, 2025, 0800-1700
Location: Beaufort County Community College (BCCC)
5337 US Highway 264 E, Washington, NC 27889

Who Should Attend:  Federal, State, & Local Law Enforcement Officers; Qualifying Military Personnel (e.g. Counterdrug Units, Military Police, etc.)

Pre-requisites:  None

Fee:  There is no fee for NC State/Local Law Enforcement.

Registration:  Email with “NCNG Counterdrug” in your subject line to register for the course.

Length: 3-day (24hrs)

Meals/Lodging:  Agency / Individual responsibility

Instructor:  Shadow Line Training

Description:  This 24-hour course is designed to educate new or aspiring narcotics and/or gang investigators to the concept of controlled purchases.  Course includes lectures & practical exercises. Topics include informant handling, covert technology, surveillance, & more.

Registration:  Email with “NCNG Counterdrug” in your subject line to register for the course.

MANTA training is provided free of charge to Law Enforcement Officers through a Governor’s Crime Commission Grant and the NC National Guard Counterdrug Program.

For more information or to receive help in registering for a class, contact us at:
984-664-6045/ 704-400-9960