Advanced Tactical Rappelling
30 August, 2022 - 02 September, 2022
08:00 - 17:00
COURSE: Advanced Tactical Rappelling: August 30th – September 2
Location: Cape Fear Community College North Campus
4500 Blue Clay Road
Castle Hayne, NC 28429
Fee: There is no fee for this training
Length: 4 days (32 hours)
Designed For: Non-medically trained personnel from patrol officers to SWAT officers/operators
Meals, Lodging, and Incidentals: Students and their sponsoring agencies are responsible for these expenses. Course dates are subject to change. Please ensure that you are able to cancel or change your lodging request in the event of rescheduling.
Instructor: TAC24 LLC
Prerequisites: Students must be sworn law enforcement officers or currently serving in a law enforcement capacity as a member of the United States Armed Forces. The priority of registration is given to NC state and local civilian law enforcement officers. All participants should be in good general health and physical condition and capable of performing minimal physical skills associated with field exercises described in this course.
Description: This course is designed for Law Enforcement Officers that have Tactical or S.W.A.T. responsibilities. Coursework includes lecture, practical exercise and evaluation. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to effectively demonstrate and utilize advanced tactical rappel techniques safely, under the supervision and instruction of certified Rappel Masters.
***Most Rappel Equipment Provided***
Students will be responsible for providing rappel gloves, helmets, tactical vest, weapons, and weapon retention devices.
Gear List
Swat Uniform
Tactical Gear including Vest, Gas mask, Holster, Knee and Elbow pads are recommended
Helmet (Light weight preferred, deployment helmet will work)
Airsoft or Simunition weapon platform if available
Duty Handgun/Subgun/Carbine
Handgun lanyard
Rifle/Subgun sling
Safety Glasses
The following are knots that you will be tested on.
Double Fisherman’s Knot/Bend 60 Seconds
Tape Water Knot 30 Seconds
Figure Eight Loop 30 Seconds
Figure Eight Retrace/Follow through 30 Seconds
Middle of the line Prusik Hitch 30 Seconds
Please see the following visual aids that will assist you in learning these knots. It is preferable that you are very familiar with them prior to attending the course as there will be minimum practice time during the class. Training aid recommendations for the knots are as follows
1-10 ft. long piece of ½ inch kernmantle rope
1-4.5 ft. long piece of 8 mm cordage
1-4.5 ft. long piece of 1 inch tubular webbing (ends cut in 45 degree edge with hot edge)
MANTA training is provided free of charge to Law Enforcement Officers through a Governor’s Crime Commission Grant and the NC National Guard Counterdrug Program.
For more information or to receive help in registering for a class, contact us at:
984-664-7034/ 704-400-9960