Event Phone: 984-664-7649
14 February, 2017 - 16 February, 2017
08:00 - 17:00
PHYSICAL SURVEILLANCE: Tentatively Scheduled for February 14-16, 2017
Location: TBD
Length: 3 Days (24 hours)
Designed For: Students must be sworn law enforcement officers or currently serving in a law enforcement capacity as a member of the United States Armed Forces.
Prerequisites: Priority of registration is given to state and local civilian law enforcement officers. Participants should possess a working knowledge of video equipment. Participants/sponsoring agencies must provide vehicles and fuel for practical exercises.
Description: This training provides participants with knowledge of proper planning methods and techniques for conducting successful foot, vehicle and stationary surveillance operations in urban settings. Instruction covers: Operational Planning, Concealment Techniques, Prior Intelligence of Target Assessment, Safety Issues, Infiltration and Exfiltration Techniques, Equipment Needs, Personnel and Surveillance Strategies. This hands-on training is conducted under arduous conditions.
MANTA training is provided free of charge to Law Enforcement Officers through a Governor’s Crime Commission Grant and the NC National Guard Counterdrug Program.
For more information or to receive help in registering for a class, contact us at: