09 September, 2020 - 11 September, 2020
08:00 - 17:00
Ballistic Shield: Sept 9-11, 2020
Samarcand Training Academy I 3600 Samarcand Road, Jackson Springs, NC 27281
Fee: There is no fee for this course.
Length: 3 days (24 Hours)
Designed For: Corrections officers and sworn law enforcement – federal, state, or local.
Lodging, Meals and Incidentals: Samarcand Academy provides lodging and meals at no cost to students. Students must stay in overnight lodging to be eligible for meals. Event registration will close Sept 1, 2020 in order to allow the facility adequate time to properly plan and prepare for student arrival.
Instructor: Bruce Dixon
Description: This course is designed for officer safety enhancement in high risk applications when confronting armed subjects. Course materials cover: Shield movement and force employment in situations where a shield is called for. Training in a tactical team environment, and as an expedient patrol option. Ballistic Shield Theory, Movement with the shield in deliberate and dynamic clearing techniques, live fire practical applications and scenario driven (Simunitions) live fire exercises. The ballistic shield is a valuable tool when utilized properly.
Items Needed for Attendance:
- Ballistic Shield w/light or flash light mounting capability
- Duty Handgun with 200 rds training ammunition
- Tactical belt, holster, helmet, and related clothing
- Eye, ear, and ballistic vest protection (min level NIJ Rated II) required for all practical applications
Optional Equipment:
- Weapons mounted pulse beam (laser)
- Ballistic Shin Guards
- Shield retention/neck strap
- Simunitions handgun or barrel replacement
MANTA training is provided free of charge to Law Enforcement Officers through a Governor’s Crime Commission Grant and the NC National Guard Counterdrug Program.
For more information or to receive help in registering for a class, contact us at:
984-664-7034/ 704-400-9960
Venue: Samarcand Training Academy
Venue Phone: 910-673-0651
Venue Website: http://www.ncdps.gov/About-DPS/Sections/Administration/Samarcand-Training-Academy
Occupying 430 acres in Moore County, Samarcand Training Academy provides correctional, in-service, law enforcement and advanced law enforcement training.
A 2013 North Carolina General Assembly allocation of $10.4 million has been used to convert the former Samarkand Manor into a corrections and law enforcement training center for the Department of Public Safety. Samarcand has six classrooms, dormitory space capable of housing overnight students, and a cafeteria.
The primary purpose of the academy is to conduct basic training for correctional officers, probation/parole officers and juvenile justice employees, as well as other in-service training. The law enforcement agencies within DPS will be able to use Samarcand to conduct in-service and advanced training programs, while other local, state and federal agencies may also conduct training at the facility from time to time.