21 February, 2023 - 22 February, 2023
08:00 - 17:00
Social Networking Course (This course is being provided by the Northeast Counterdrug Training Center)
Registration Link: https://nctc.counterdrug.org/training/course-descriptions/social-networking/
LOCATION: Larry T. Justus Academy
3971 Chimney Rock Rd, Edneyville, NC 28727
Lodging: Lodging will be provided upon a first come first serve bases due to the amount of rooms available. While completing the registration for this course please select if you would like to request lodging. Once the list is finalized personnel will be notified if their lodging request is approved.
Meals and Incidentals: Responsibility of the Officer and their sponsoring agency
Course Description:
This course covers the essentials patrol officers, investigators, probation officers, School Resource Officers and anyone in the criminal justice system needs to know about social networking. Various types of crime are rooted in social networking activity. Drugs, scams, identity theft, flash mobs, sexting, sextortion, cyber bullying, even school shootings can be attributed to social media. This course will break down the elements of social networking, examine what information is collected and demonstrate what a great investigative/intelligence tool it can be. Information regarding investigative leads, relationships, communications, photographs, location, etc. is all-available and many times an open source. In addition, students will learn the proper methods of authenticating the information they collect.
Social networking has created a number of problems for law enforcement especially in matters of safety for both officers and their families. Social media sites exist where officer and informant information is posted. Criminal organizations are collecting photos and biomaterial of officers and sharing that information via social media. This class will delineate steps officers must take to safeguard their information while utilizing social media for investigative work as well as in their personal lives.
Students are required to bring a laptop or tablet to class for practice exercises.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- Define the history, growth, and attributes of social networking in general relate the types of information collected
- Associate the use of social networking with traditional investigative techniques
- Authenticate the information collected
- Examine the dangers to an officer and family members
- Apply skills and techniques discussed to day-to-day law enforcement duties and obligations
- Provide additional resources for an officer to draw upon
- Employ up-to-date skills and knowledge drawn from the instructional materials
Prerequisites: None
Course Length: 2 days / 16 hours
Who May Attend: Law Enforcement, Military Intelligence
***To Register***
· Visit the Northeast Counterdrug Training Center’s website at nctc.counterdrug.org
· Log into your NCTC account (an NCTC account is required for training)
· Find the training that you would like to register for under Upcoming Training and select “Register”
· Accept the Terms and Conditions
· Click on “Register