28 November, 2022 - 02 December, 2022
08:00 - 17:00
SPECIAL RESPONSE TEAMS II: November 28- December 2, 2022
Onslow County Sheriff’s Office
717 Court Street, Jacksonville, NC 28540
Fee: There is no fee for this training
Length: 5 days (40 hours)
Designed For: This course is intended specifically for law enforcement and corrections officers actively engaged in SWAT/SRT/CERT operations.
Instructor: Bruce K. Dixon
Prerequisites: MUST HAVE ATTENDED a Basic SWAT/SRT to register. MANDATORY PISTOL QUALIFICATION ON DAY ONE TO CONTINUE IN COURSE. Students must be sworn law enforcement officers or currently serving in a law enforcement capacity as a member of the United States Armed Forces. Priority of registration is given to NC state and local civilian law enforcement officers. All participants should be in good general health and physical condition and capable of performing minimal physical skills associated with field exercises described in this course.
Course Information:
- Lodging: Responsibility of the officer and their sponsoring agency
- Meals: Responsibility of the officer and their sponsoring agency
- Recommended Equipment: Ballistic vest and helmet, eye and ear protection, camel back for water, day bag for equipment, communication equipment (portable radio and cell phone), simunitions weapons (if available), ballistic shields, duty and tactical weapons, mounted tactical lighting, ammunition, and weapons cleaning kit.
- Ammunition: Provision of ammunition for live fire exercises is the responsibility of the attendee and their sponsoring agency. The anticipated round count is 250 (minimum) – 400 rounds per weapon system. Please plan accordingly.
Description: This course is an advanced law enforcement tactical team course designed to instruct the student in mission planning, operations order, delivering an operations order, and scenario training including: bus takedown, down officer, throw phone, multiple team entry (day and night). Range time will include: mandatory pistol qualification (must pass on day one to continue), coordinated shoulder fire/multiple threat/known distance, ballistic shield live fire, and less lethal shotgun. Scenarios will include role players and simunition weapons.
Objectives: This course prepares responders equipped and trained to operate in urban and rural environments in both daylight and darkness to deal with wide-ranging incidents and topics including:
- Hostage/barricaded Gunman Situations
- High Risk Search and Arrest Warrant
- Terrorist Incidents
- Security Operations
- Response to Civil Disturbances
- Ballistic Theory
- Reconnaissance
- Weapons Manipulation
- Movement Drills
- Live Fire
- Structure Clearing Operations
- Structure Entry Methods
- Tactical Team Missions
- Low Light Operations
- Vehicle Assaults/Takedowns
MANTA training is provided free of charge to Law Enforcement Officers through a Governor’s Crime Commission Grant and the NC National Guard Counterdrug Program.
For more information or to receive help in registering for a class, contact us at:
984-664-6045/ 704-400-9960