Three Day Man Tracker
23 February, 2022 - 25 February, 2022
08:00 - 17:00
InstructorMike Hull, www.Hull’sTrackingSchool.com
Basic visual tracking class for Law Enforcement
When: Feb 23-25, 2022
Where: Samarcand Training Academy
3600 Samarcand Rd, Jackson Springs, NC 27281
Some of the benefits of tracking knowledge for law enforcement are:
*Ability to properly articulate tracking and foot impression evidence in a court of law
*Determine number of persons involved
*Disprove an incident even happened all together
*Trained officers may determine or eliminate suspects at the scene by Finding, Documenting and Interpreting Footprint Evidence
*Find and/or Eliminate Directions of Travel
*Extend Crime Scenes
*Find Evidence away from the scene
*Perimeter security
*Intelligence gathering/reconnaissance
*Search and Rescue
*Effective in Recovering armed and dangerous fugitives in rural areas
*Tracking compliments and enhances a canine handler’s mission. *The lack of tracks is evidence in itself
*Tactical acuity has been proven more effective in finding tripwires and IED’s than all the current technology in use.
*Anti-tracking techniques may be used for: counter tracking, hiding remote intelligence gathering equipment, recon operations, sniper hides and surveillance sites,
*A basic knowledge of tracking and foot impression evidence aids in; prompting confessions, provides physical evidence for convictions and enhances Officer Safety.
*We can all be taught the value of tracks & tracking and basic tracking skills to some degree; to become a “Tracker” takes time and commitment the same as any other specialized skill.
Mike Hull
171 River View Lane
Faber VA 22938
www.HullsTrackingSchool.com < Caution-http://www.VITALELLC.com >
cell 434 996 3639
MANTA training is provided free of charge to Law Enforcement Officers through a Governor’s Crime Commission Grant and the NC National Guard Counterdrug Program.
For more information or to receive help in registering for a class, contact us at:
Venue: Samarcand Training Academy
Venue Phone: 910-673-0651
Venue Website: http://www.ncdps.gov/About-DPS/Sections/Administration/Samarcand-Training-Academy
Occupying 430 acres in Moore County, Samarcand Training Academy provides correctional, in-service, law enforcement and advanced law enforcement training.
A 2013 North Carolina General Assembly allocation of $10.4 million has been used to convert the former Samarkand Manor into a corrections and law enforcement training center for the Department of Public Safety. Samarcand has six classrooms, dormitory space capable of housing overnight students, and a cafeteria.
The primary purpose of the academy is to conduct basic training for correctional officers, probation/parole officers and juvenile justice employees, as well as other in-service training. The law enforcement agencies within DPS will be able to use Samarcand to conduct in-service and advanced training programs, while other local, state and federal agencies may also conduct training at the facility from time to time.