Event Phone: 984-664-7649
08 November, 2016 - 10 November, 2016
08:00 - 17:00
Register online at: http://informants.eventbrite.com
Cultivating and Managing Confidential Informants: 8-10 November, 2016
Samarcand Training Academy | Jackson Springs, NC
Length: 3 days (24 hours)
Designed For: This course is intended specifically for law enforcement narcotics officers utilizing confidential informants.
Housing and Meals: Housing and meals will be provided at no cost to the first 24 registrants.
Prerequisites: Students must be sworn law enforcement officers or currently serving in a law enforcement capacity as a member of the United States Armed Forces. Priority of registration is given to state and local civilian law enforcement officers.
Description: This course is designed to prepare law enforcement officers to develop, properly use, and manage reliable confidential drug informants.
Course Topics:
- Acquiring drug informants
- Determining an informant’s potential and how to work them to their greatest potential
- Developing and reviewing departmental drug informant policies and files
- Developing strategies to safely conduct undercover operations involving drug informants
- Minimizing the possibility of revealing an informant’s identity
MANTA training is provided free of charge to Law Enforcement Officers through a Governor’s Crime Commission Grant and the NC National Guard Counterdrug Program.
For more information or to receive help in registering for a class, contact us at:
Venue: Samarcand Training Academy
Venue Phone: 910-673-0651
Venue Website: http://www.ncdps.gov/About-DPS/Sections/Administration/Samarcand-Training-Academy
Occupying 430 acres in Moore County, Samarcand Training Academy provides correctional, in-service, law enforcement and advanced law enforcement training.
A 2013 North Carolina General Assembly allocation of $10.4 million has been used to convert the former Samarkand Manor into a corrections and law enforcement training center for the Department of Public Safety. Samarcand has six classrooms, dormitory space capable of housing overnight students, and a cafeteria.
The primary purpose of the academy is to conduct basic training for correctional officers, probation/parole officers and juvenile justice employees, as well as other in-service training. The law enforcement agencies within DPS will be able to use Samarcand to conduct in-service and advanced training programs, while other local, state and federal agencies may also conduct training at the facility from time to time.